Walking out to Autumn

The season of magic and creation. Walk out to Autumn for the sensory experience of coppery blazes, rustling leaves and emerald green moss.

The sweet earthy smells of damp rotting leaves and steady growth of mushrooms on the forest floor.

Leaves still holding on to their trees are blown into a chaotic dance and fallen leaves are raised from the ground in an eddy of a spiral dance, all rustling, fluttering and jostling in the gusts of wind.
Red berries give brilliant contrast to the greens of the forest. Green, orange, yellow and red grace the forest with beauty and the air brings clarity and freshness to mind as the fresh steady stream bubbles by…

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Winning Together

One thing to be happy, nay, ecstatic about for us, is our Vegan Choice Award! With our carefully blended vegan perfumes, comprising of the highest grade essential oils, we are celebrating the win, big time, here at VYVfragrance HQ.

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More a seasonal celebration than otherwise, this time of year encourages us to get together with people we love and like – to gather, to share, to show gratitude for what we have.

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